STP protocol frames

STP uses bridge protocol data units (BPDUs), also known as configuration messages, as its protocol frames. This chapter uses BPDUs to represent all types of spanning tree protocol frames.

STP-enabled devices exchange BPDUs to establish a spanning tree. BPDUs contain sufficient information for the devices to complete spanning tree calculation.

STP uses two types of BPDUs, configuration BPDUs and topology change notification (TCN) BPDUs.

Configuration BPDUs

Devices exchange configuration BPDUs to elect the root bridge and determine port roles. Figure 22 shows the configuration BPDU format.

Figure 22: Configuration BPDU format

The payload of a configuration BPDU includes the following fields:

Devices use the root bridge ID, root path cost, designated bridge ID, designated port ID, message age, max age, hello time, and forward delay for spanning tree calculation.


Devices use TCN BPDUs to announce changes in the network topology. Figure 23 shows the TCN BPDU format.

Figure 23: TCN BPDU format

The payload of a TCN BPDU includes the following fields:

A non-root bridge sends TCN BPDUs when one of the following events occurs on the bridge:

The non-root bridge uses TCN BPDUs to notify the root bridge once the network topology changes. The root bridge then sets the TC flag in its configuration BPDU and propagates it to other bridges.