Outputting logs to the log buffer




1. Enter system view.



2. Enable the information center.

info-center enable

By default, the information center is enabled.

3. Enable log output to the log buffer.

info-center logbuffer

By default, log output to the log buffer is enabled.

4. (Optional.) Set the maximum number of logs that can be stored in the log buffer.

info-center logbuffer size buffersize

By default, the log buffer can store 512 logs.

5. Configure an output rule for the log buffer.

info-center source { module-name | default } { console | monitor | logbuffer | logfile | loghost } { deny | level severity }

For information about default output rules, see "Default output rules for logs."

6. (Optional.) Configure the timestamp format.

info-center timestamp { boot | date | none }

The default timestamp format is date.