Boolean trigger test configuration example

Network requirements

As shown in Figure 54, the device acts as the agent. The NMS uses SNMPv3 to monitor and manage the device. Configure a trigger and configure a Boolean trigger test for the trigger. When the trigger condition is met, the device sends an mteTriggerFired notification to the NMS.

Figure 55: Network diagram

Configuration procedure

  1. Configure the device:

    # Add the user owner1 to the SNMPv3 group g3. Assign g3 the right to access the MIB view a.

    <Sysname> system-view
    [Sysname] snmp-agent usm-user v3 owner1 g3
    [Sysname] snmp-agent group v3 g3 read-view a write-view a notify-view a
    [Sysname] snmp-agent mib-view included a iso

    # Configure the device to use the username owner1 to send SNMPv3 notifications to the NMS at

    [Sysname] snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params securityname owner1 v3

    # Enable SNMP notifications for Event MIB.

    [Sysname] snmp-agent trap enable event-mib
  2. Set the Event MIB minimum sampling interval to 50 seconds and set the maximum number to 100 for object instances that can be concurrently sampled.

    [Sysname] snmp mib event sample minimum 50
    [Sysname] snmp mib event sample instance maximum 100
  3. Configure the Event MIB object lists. When a notification action is triggered, the system adds the objects in the specified object list to the notification.

    [Sysname] snmp mib event object list owner owner1 name objectA 1 oid
    [Sysname] snmp mib event object list owner owner1 name objectB 1 oid
    [Sysname] snmp mib event object list owner owner1 name objectC 1 oid
  4. Configure an event:

    # Create an event. Specify its owner as owner1 and its name as EventA.

    [Sysname] snmp mib event owner owner1 name EventA

    # Specify the notification action for the event.

    [Sysname-event-owner1-EventA] action notification

    # Specify the notification object hh3cEntityExtMemUsageThresholdNotification by its OID for the notification.

    [Sysname-event-owner1-EventA-notification] oid 

    # Specify the object list to be added to the notification when the notification action is triggered

    [Sysname-event-owner1-EventA-notification] object list owner owner1 name objectC
    [Sysname-event-owner1-EventA-notification] quit

    # Enable the event.

    [Sysname-event-owner1-EventA] event enable
    [Sysname-event-owner1-EventA] quit
  5. Configure a trigger:

    # Create a trigger. Specify its owner as owner1 and its name as triggerA.

    [Sysname] snmp mib event trigger owner owner1 name triggerA

    # Set the sampling interval to 60 seconds. Make sure the interval is greater than or equal to the global minimum sampling interval.

    [Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA] frequency 60

    # Specify the monitored object by its OID.

    [Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA] oid

    # Specify the object list to be added to the notification when the notification action is triggered.

    [Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA] object list owner owner1 name objectA

    # Enable the Boolean trigger test. Specify the comparison type, reference value, event, and object list for the test.

    [Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA] test existence
    [Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA-existence] quit
    [Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA-boolean] comparison greater
    [Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA-boolean] value 10
    [Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA-boolean] event owner owner1 name EventA
    [Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA-boolean] object list owner owner1 name objectB
    [Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA-boolean] quit

    # Enable the trigger.

    [Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA] trigger enable
    [Sysname-trigger-owner1-triggerA] quit

Verifying the configuration

# Display Event MIB configuration and statistics

[Sysname] display snmp mib event summary
TriggerFailures               : 0
EventFailures                 : 0
SampleMinimum                 : 50
SampleInstanceMaximum         : 10
SampleInstance                : 1
SampleInstancesHigh           : 1
SampleInstanceLacks           : 0

# Display information about the Event MIB object lists.

[Sysname] display snmp mib event object list
Object list objectA owned by owner1:
  ObjIndex                    : 1
  ObjID                       :<hh3cEntityExt
  ObjIDWildcard               : false
Object list objectB owned by owner1:
  ObjIndex                    : 1
  ObjID                       :<hh3cEntityExt
  ObjIDWildcard               : false
Object list objectC owned by owner1: 
  ObjIndex                    : 1
  ObjID                       :<hh3cEntityExt
  ObjIDWildcard               : false

# Display information about the event.

[Sysname]display snmp mib event event owner owner1 name EventA
Event entry EventA owned by owner1:
EvtComment                  : N/A
EvtAction                   : notification
EvtEnabled                  : true
Notification entry: 
NotifyOID                  :<hh3cEntityExtMemUsag
NotifyObjOwner             : owner1
NotifyObjName              : objectC

# Display information about the trigger.

[Sysname] display snmp mib event trigger owner owner1 name triggerA
Trigger entry triggerA owned by owner1:
  TriggerComment              : N/A
  TriggerTest                 : boolean
  TriggerSampleType           : absoluteValue
  TriggerValueID              :<hh3cEntityExt
  TriggerValueIDWildcard      : false
  TriggerTargetTag            : N/A
  TriggerContextName          : N/A
  TriggerContextNameWildcard  : false
  TriggerFrequency(in seconds): 60
  TriggerObjOwner             : owner1
  TriggerObjName              : objectA
  TriggerEnabled              : true
  Boolean entry:
   BoolCmp                    : greater
   BoolValue                  : 10
   BoolStartUp                : true
   BoolObjOwner               : owner1
   BoolObjName                : objectB
   BoolEvtOwner               : owner1
   BoolEvtName                : EventA

# When the value of the monitored object is greater than 10, the NMS receives an mteTriggerFired notification.