Configuring an existence trigger test

When you enable an existence trigger test, an existence entry is created automatically. All fields in the entry have default values.

To configure an existence trigger test:




1. Enter system view.



2. Enter trigger view.

snmp mib event trigger owner trigger-owner name trigger-name


3. Enter trigger-existence view.

test existence


4. Specify the event for the existence trigger test.

event owner event-owner name event-name

By default, no event is specified for an existence trigger test.

The owner must be an SNMPv3 user.

5. (Optional.) Specify the object list to be added to the notification triggered by the event.

object list owner group-owner name group-name

By default, no object list is specified for an existence trigger test.

6. Specify an existence trigger test type.

type { absent | changed | present }

The default existence trigger test types are present and absent.

7. Specify an existence trigger test type for the first sampling.

startup { absent | present }

For the first sampling, you must execute the startup { absent | present } command to enable the event trigger.

By default, both the present and absent existence trigger test types are allowed for the first sampling.