Configuring the RMON alarm function

When you configure the RMON alarm function, follow these guidelines:

Table 8 shows the parameters to be compared for duplication and the entry limits.

Table 8: RMON configuration restrictions


Parameters to be compared

Maximum number of entries


  • Event description (description string)

  • Event type (log, trap, logtrap, or none)

  • Community name (security-string)



  • Alarm variable (alarm-variable)

  • Sampling interval (sampling-interval)

  • Sample type (absolute or delta)

  • Rising threshold (threshold-value1)

  • Falling threshold (threshold-value2)


Private alarm

  • Alarm variable formula (prialarm-formula)

  • Sampling interval (sampling-interval)

  • Sample type (absolute or delta)

  • Rising threshold (threshold-value1)

  • Falling threshold (threshold-value2)


To configure the RMON alarm function:




1. Enter system view.



2. (Optional.) Create an RMON event entry.

rmon event entry-number [ description string ] { log | log-trap security-string | none | trap security-string } [ owner text ]

By default, no RMON event entries exist.

3. Create an RMON alarm entry.

  • Create an RMON alarm entry:
    rmon alarm
    entry-number alarm-variable sampling-interval { absolute | delta } [ startup-alarm { falling | rising | rising-falling } ] rising-threshold threshold-value1 event-entry1 falling-threshold threshold-value2 event-entry2 [ owner text ]

  • Create an RMON private alarm entry:
    rmon prialarm
    entry-number prialarm-formula prialarm-des sampling-interval { absolute | delta } [ startup-alarm { falling | rising | rising-falling } ] rising-threshold threshold-value1 event-entry1 falling-threshold threshold-value2 event-entry2 entrytype { forever | cycle cycle-period } [ owner text ]

By default, no RMON alarm entries or RMON private alarm entries exist.

You can associate an alarm with an event that has not been created yet. The alarm will trigger the event only after the event is created.