Replacing an expansion interface card that has IRF physical interfaces

To replace the old card with a different model replacement card:

  1. Shut down the IRF physical interfaces on the old card by using the shutdown command.

  2. Remove the IRF port bindings that contain the physical interfaces.

  3. Remove the old card, and then install the replacement card.

  4. Verify that the replacement card has been correctly installed by using the display device command.

  5. Reconfigure the IRF port bindings, as described in "Binding physical interfaces to IRF ports."

  6. Activate the IRF port settings by using the irf-port-configuration active command.

    You may skip this step if the IRF port is in UP state when you add bindings.

To replace the old card with the same model replacement card:

  1. Shut down the IRF physical interfaces on the old card by using the shutdown command.

  2. Remove the old card, and then install the replacement card.

  3. Verify that the replacement card has been correctly installed by using the display device command.

  4. Bring up the physical interfaces by using the undo shutdown command after the interface card completes startup.