display placement reoptimize

Use display placement reoptimize to display the predicted changes that will occur when you run the placement reoptimize command.


display placement reoptimize program { program-name [ instance instance-name ] | all }


Any view

Predefined user roles




program-name: Displays changes for a process (that supports process optimization) specified by its name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 15 characters.

instance instance-name: Specifies an instance of the specified process by name, a case-insensitive string of 1 to 15 characters. Whether a process has multiple instances depends on the system software.

all: Displays changes for all processes that support process optimization.


# Display the predicted changes for all processes.

<Sysname> display placement reoptimize program all
Predicted changes to the placement
Program                           Current location       New location
rm6                               1/0                    1/0
rm                                1/0                    1/0
rpm                               1/0                    1/0
usr                               1/0                    1/0
usr6                              1/0                    1/0
bgp                               1/0                    1/0
pim                               1/0                    1/0
igmp                              1/0                    1/0

The output shows the process name, current location of the active process, and new location of the active process after optimization.