Software upgrade methods

You can use one of the following methods to upgrade software:

Upgrading method

Software types


Upgrading from the CLI:

  • Non-ISSU approach

    • Boot ROM image

    • System software image (excluding patches)

    You must reboot the entire device to complete the upgrade. This approach causes service interruption.

    Hotfix approach

    System software images

    Hotfixes repair software defects without requiring a reboot or service interruption.

    Hotfixes do not add new features to system software images.

    ISSU approach

    System software images

    The ISSU approach provides an easy, safe approach to software upgrade. It realizes in-service upgrade by using the active/standby switchover mechanism for the master device and the hotfix feature for subordinate devices.

    ISSU completes upgrading the whole system with four commands, and provides display commands to help you verify version compatibility and upgrade process state.

    For more information, see "Performing ISSU."

    Upgrading from the Boot menu

    • Boot ROM image

    • System software images

    Use this method when the device cannot correctly start up. For information about this upgrading method, see the release notes for your switch.



    Upgrading an IRF fabric from the CLI rather than the Boot menu.

    The Boot menu approach requires that you upgrade the member devices one by one and has a larger impact on services than the CLI approach.

    This chapter covers only the non-ISSU and hotfix approaches to upgrading software from the CLI.