display icmp statistics

Use display icmp statistics to display ICMP statistics.


display icmp statistics [ slot slot-number ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID. If you do not specify a member device, this command displays ICMP statistics for all member devices.

Usage guidelines

ICMP statistics include information about received and sent ICMP packets.


# Display ICMP statistics.

<Sysname> display icmp statistics
  Input: bad formats   0                   bad checksum            0
         echo          175                 destination unreachable 0
         source quench 0                   redirects               0
         echo replies  201                 parameter problem       0
         timestamp     0                   information requests    0
         mask requests 0                   mask replies            0
         time exceeded 0                   invalid type            0
         router advert 0                   router solicit          0
         broadcast/multicast echo requests ignored            0
         broadcast/multicast timestamp requests ignored       0
 Output: echo          0                   destination unreachable 0
         source quench 0                   redirects               0
         echo replies  175                 parameter problem       0
         timestamp     0                   information replies     0
         mask requests 0                   mask replies            0
         time exceeded 0                   bad address             0
         packet error  1442                router advert           3