IPv6 addresses

IPv6 address format

An IPv6 address is represented as a set of 16-bit hexadecimals separated by colons. An IPv6 address is divided into eight groups, and each 16-bit group is represented by four hexadecimal numbers, for example, 2001:0000:130F:0000:0000:09C0:876A:130B.

To simplify the representation of IPv6 addresses, you can handle zeros in IPv6 addresses by using the following methods:

An IPv6 address consists of an address prefix and an interface ID, both of which are equivalent to the network ID and the host ID of an IPv4 address, respectively.

An IPv6 address prefix is written in IPv6-address/prefix-length notation where the IPv6-address is represented in any of the formats previously mentioned and the prefix-length is a decimal number indicating how many leftmost bits of the IPv6 address comprises the address prefix.

IPv6 address types

IPv6 addresses fall into the following types:

[NOTE: ]


There are no broadcast addresses in IPv6. Their function is replaced by multicast addresses.

The type of an IPv6 address is designated by the first several bits, the format prefix. Table 6 lists the mappings between address types and format prefixes.

Table 6: Mappings between address types and format prefixes


Format prefix (binary)

IPv6 prefix ID

Unicast address

Unspecified address

00...0 (128 bits)


Loopback address

00...1 (128 bits)


Link-local address



Site-local address



Global unicast address

Other forms


Multicast address



Anycast address

Anycast addresses use the unicast address space and have the identical structure of unicast addresses.

Unicast addresses

Unicast addresses comprise global unicast addresses, link-local unicast addresses, site-local unicast addresses, the loopback address, and the unspecified address.

Multicast addresses

IPv6 multicast addresses listed in Table 7 are reserved for special purposes.

Table 7: Reserved IPv6 multicast addresses




Node-local scope all-nodes multicast address


Link-local scope all-nodes multicast address


Node-local scope all-routers multicast address


Link-local scope all-routers multicast address

Multicast addresses also include solicited-node addresses. A node uses a solicited-node multicast address to acquire the link-layer address of a neighboring node on the same link and to detect duplicate addresses. Each IPv6 unicast or anycast address has a corresponding solicited-node address. The format of a solicited-node multicast address is: FF02:0:0:0:0:1:FFXX:XXXX where FF02:0:0:0:0:1:FF is fixed and consists of 104 bits, and XX:XXXX is the last 24 bits of an IPv6 unicast address or anycast address.

EUI-64 address-based interface identifiers

An interface identifier is 64 bits and uniquely identifies an interface on a link.

Interfaces generate EUI-64 address-based interface identifiers differently.