Configuration procedure

To configure the DHCP relay agent to support Option 82:




1. Enter system view.



2. Enter interface view.

interface interface-type interface-number


3. Enable the relay agent to support Option 82.

dhcp relay information enable

Disabled by default.

4. Configure the handling strategy for requesting messages containing Option 82.

dhcp relay information strategy { drop | keep | replace }


replace by default.

5. Configure non-user-defined Option 82.

  • Configure the padding format for Option 82:dhcp relay information format { normal | verbose [ node-identifier { mac | sysname | user-defined node-identifier } ] }

  • Configure the code type for the circuit ID sub-option:
    dhcp relay information circuit-id format-type
    { ascii | hex }

  • Configure the code type for the remote ID sub-option:dhcp relay information remote-id format-type { ascii | hex }


By default:

  • The padding format for Option 82 is normal.

  • The code type for the circuit ID sub-option depends on the padding format of Option 82. Each field has its own code type.

  • The code type for the remote ID sub-option is hex.

The code type configurations for the circuit ID sub-option and remote ID sub-option apply to non-user-defined Option 82 only.

6. Configure user-defined Option 82.

  • Configure the padding content for the circuit ID sub-option:
    dhcp relay information circuit-id string

  • Configure the padding content for the remote ID sub-option:
    dhcp relay information remote-id string
    { remote-id | sysname }


By default, the padding content depends on the padding format of Option 82.