lldp timer tx-delay


lldp timer tx-delay delay

undo lldp timer tx-delay


System view

Default level

2: System level


delay: Sets the LLDP frame transmission delay, in the range of 1 to 8192 seconds.


Use lldp timer tx-delay to set the LLDP frame transmission delay.

Use undo lldp timer tx-delay to restore the default.

By default, the LLDP frame transmission delay is 2 seconds.

It is a good practice to set the LLDP frame transmission delay to be no greater than a quarter of the LLDP frame transmission interval.

If the LLDP frame transmission delay is greater than the LLDP frame transmission interval, the device uses the LLDP frames transmission delay as the transmission interval.

Related commands: lldp timer tx-interval.


# Set the LLDP frame transmission delay to 4 seconds.

<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] lldp timer tx-delay 4