display lldp status


display lldp status [ interface interface-type interface-number ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]


Any view

Default level

1: Monitor level


interface interface-type interface-number: Specifies a port by its type and number.

|: Filters command output by specifying a regular expression. For more information about regular expressions, see Fundamentals Configuration Guide.

begin: Displays the first line that matches the specified regular expression and all lines that follow.

exclude: Displays all lines that do not match the specified regular expression.

include: Displays all lines that match the specified regular expression.

regular-expression: Specifies a regular expression, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 256 characters.


Use display lldp status to display LLDP status information.

If no port is specified, this command displays the global LLDP status and the LLDP status information for all ports.


# Display the global LLDP status and the LLDP status information of all ports.

<Sysname> display lldp status
Global status of LLDP: Enable
The current number of LLDP neighbors: 0
The current number of CDP neighbors: 0
LLDP neighbor information last changed time: 0 days,0 hours,0 minutes,0 seconds
Transmit interval              : 30s
Hold multiplier                : 4
Reinit delay                   : 2s
Transmit delay                 : 2s
Trap interval                  : 5s
Fast start times               : 3
Port 1 [Ethernet1/0/1]:
Port status of LLDP            : Enable
Admin status                   : Tx_Rx
Trap flag                      : No
Polling interval               : 0s

Number of neighbors            : 0
Number of MED neighbors        : 0
Number of CDP neighbors        : 0
Number of sent optional TLV    : 23
Number of received unknown TLV : 0

Table 46: Command output



Global status of LLDP

Indicates whether LLDP is globally enabled.

LLDP neighbor information last changed time

Time when the neighbor information was last updated.

Transmit interval

LLDP frame transmission interval.

Hold multiplier

TTL multiplier.

Reinit delay

LLDP reinitialization delay.

Transmit delay

LLDP transmission delay.

Trap interval

Trap transmission interval.

Fast start times

Number of LLDP frames sent each time fast LLDP frame transmission is triggered.

Port 1

LLDP status of port 1.

Port status of LLDP

Indicates whether or not LLDP is enabled on the port.

Admin status

LLDP operating mode of the port:

  • Tx_Rx—The port can send and receive LLDP frames.

  • Rx_Only—The port can only receive LLDP frames.

  • Tx_Only—The port can only send LLDP frames.

  • Disable—The port cannot send or receive LLDP frames.

Trap Flag

Indicates whether trapping is enabled.

Polling interval

LLDP polling interval, which is 0 when LLDP polling is disabled.

Number of neighbors

Number of LLDP neighbors connecting to the port.

Number of MED neighbors

Number of MED neighbors connecting to the port.

Number of CDP neighbors

Number of CDP neighbors connecting to the port.

Number of sent optional TLV

Number of optional TLVs contained in an LLDPDU sent through the port.

Number of received unknown TLV

Number of unknown TLVs contained in all received LLDPDUs.