
LDP session

Two LSRs establish a TCP-based LDP session to exchange FEC-label mappings.

LDP peer

Two LSRs that use LDP to exchange FEC-label mappings are LSR peers.

Label spaces and LDP identifiers

Label spaces include the following types:

A six-byte LDP Identifier (LDP ID) identifies a label space on an LSR. It is in the format of <LSR ID>:<label space number>, where:

A label space number of 0 indicates that the label space is a per-platform label space. A label space number other than 0 indicates a per-interface label space.

FECs and FEC-label mappings

MPLS groups packets with the same characteristics (such as the same destination or service class) into a class, called an FEC. The packets of the same FEC are handled in the same way on an MPLS network.

LDP can classify FECs by destination IP address.

An LSR assigns a label for an FEC and advertises the FEC-label mapping, or FEC-label binding, to its peers in a Label Mapping message.