display mpls te pce peer

Use display mpls te pce peer to display PCC and PCE peer information.


display mpls te pce peer [ ip-address ] [ verbose ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




ip-address: Specifies a peer by its IP address. If you do not specify this argument, the command displays information about all peers.

verbose: Displays detailed information. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays brief information.

Usage guidelines

This command displays information about peers that are establishing or have established PCEP sessions to the local device.


# Display brief information about all peers.

<Sysname> display mpls te pce peer
Total number of peers: 1
Peer address      Peer type   State     Mastership      Role   PCE         UP        Normal          Active

Table 30: Command output



Peer type

Peer type, PCC or PCE.


PCEP session state:

  • Idle—Initial state.

  • TCPPending—Waiting for the TCP connection to be set up.

  • OpenWait—Waiting for an Open message from the peer.

  • KeepWait—Waiting for a Keepalive message from the peer.

  • UP—The PCEP session is established.


Peer role:

  • Normal—Normal PCC or PCE.

  • Primary—Primary PCE to which the CRLSP is delegated. This role is not supported in the current software version.

  • Backup—Backup PCE to which the CRLSP is delegated. This role is not supported in the current software version.


Role of the local device in the PCEP session:

  • Active—Initiator of the PCEP session.

  • Passive—Responder of the PCEP session.

# Display detailed information about all peers.

<Sysname> display mpls te pce peer verbose
Peer address:
  TCP Connection          : ->
  Peer type               : PCC
  Session type            : Active stateful
  Session state           : UP
  Mastership              : Normal
  Role                    : active
  Session up time         : 0000 days 01 hours 03 minutes 
  Session ID              : Local 1, Peer 1
  Keepalive interval      : Local 0 sec, Peer 0 sec
  Recommended DeadTimer   : Local 0 sec, Peer 0 sec
    Min keepalive interval: 10 sec
    Max unknown messages  : 10
  Request timeout         : 50 sec
  Delegation timeout      : 30 sec

Table 31: Command output



Peer type

Peer type: PCC or PCE.

Session type

PCEP session type:

  • Stateless.

  • Passive stateful. This type is not supported in the current software version.

  • Active stateful. This type is not supported in the current software version.

Session state

PCEP session state:

  • Idle—Initial state.

  • TCPPending—Waiting for the TCP connection to be set up.

  • OpenWait—Waiting for an Open message from the peer.

  • KeepWait—Waiting for a Keepalive message from the peer.

  • UP—The PCEP session is established.


Peer role:

  • Normal—Normal PCC or PCE.

  • Primary—Primary PCE to which the CRLSP is delegated. This role is not supported in the current software version.

  • Backup—Backup PCE to which the CRLSP is delegated. This role is not supported in the current software version.


Role of the local device in the PCEP session:

  • Active—Initiator of the PCEP session.

  • Passive—Responder of the PCEP session.

Min keepalive interval

Minimum acceptable keepalive interval in seconds.

Max unknown messages

Maximum number of unknown messages allowed in one minute.

Request timeout

Request timeout time in seconds.

Delegation timeout

This field is not supported in the current software version.

Delegation timeout time in seconds.