Example of a team-aware application

An application that is fully team-aware has the following characteristics:

  • It divides work and shares data across application instances using high-availability controller interfaces and services such as the Coordination Service, the System Information Service, distributed maps, distributed locks, data serialization, peer monitoring (if needed), and so forth.

  • If the application writes to OpenFlow devices, it ensures that only one instance of the application writes and listens to a given device by using one of the following methods:

    • Using the TeamControllerService

    • Using DeviceOwnerService to determine if controller is the owner (master) for device before issuing operations on the device

The following code snippet contains an example of a fully team-aware application component.

public class ExampleApplicationComponent {

    @Reference private volatile ControllerService controllerService;
    // SequencedPacketListener
    // OpenFlow configuration API (flows, ports, etc)

    @Reference private volatile DeviceOwnerService deviceOwnerService;
    // DeviceOwnerListener

    @Reference private volatile CoordinationService coordinationService;
    // Shared data API (put/get from maps)

    // member variables (distributed map, listeners, ...)
    private DistributedMap<MyKey, MyObject> distributedMap;
    private DeviceOwnerListener deviceOwnerListener;
    private SequencedPacketListener, packetInListener;

    public void activate() {
        distributedMap = coordinationService.getMap(NAMESPACE);
        controllerService.addPacketListener(packetInListener, OBSERVER, ALTITUDE);

    public void deactivate() {



public class MyDeviceOwnerListener implements DeviceOwnerListener {
    public void ownerChanged(DeviceOwnerEvent evt) {
        // evt.type(), evt.dataPathId(), evt.deviceIp()

        // controllerService.sendFlowMod(...)
        // distributedMap.put/get(...)


public class MyPacketInListener implements SequencedPacketListener {
    public void event(MessageContext msgc) {
        // DataPathId dpid = msgc.srcEvent().dpid();

        // controllerService.sendFlowMod(...)
        // distributedMap.put/get(...)