About the curl commands in this document

  • The backslash (\) character at the end of the line indicates that the command continues on the next line. In the Bash shell, which you use to enter curl commands, a backslash character that is followed by the newline character is removed from the input stream automatically such that the command is processed as if it were entered on a single line.

  • When using a command in Linux, ensure that you replace any curly or smart quotation marks (“ “) with straight quotation marks (").

  • Examples of curl commands in this document use the --noproxy option, which is appropriate where execution of curl commands does not need a proxy to access controllers. If your network is set up such that a proxy is needed to access controllers, use the --proxy option.

  • Examples of curl commands in this document use the default user name and password for the controller. Your controller user names and passwords might have been changed.

For information about curl proxy options, see the man pages for curl.

More information

Default domain name, user name, and password