Displaying team configuration

  1. Acquire an authentication token for the team leader. (See step 4 of “Team configuration prerequisites”.)

  2. Using the token acquired in the preceding step, execute this cURL command to view the team configuration:

    curl --noproxy member-ip
    --header "X-Auth-Token:auth_token" 
    --fail -ksSfL --request GET 
    --url https://member-ip:8443/sdn/v2.0/team

    For example:

    curl --noproxy
    --header "X-Auth-Token:auth_token" 
    --fail -ksSfL --request GET 

    The resulting team configuration output includes the following:

     "team": {
      "ip": "",
      "members": [
       "ip": ""
       "ip": ""
       "ip": ""

    In the json format, the above appears in the following layout:
