Distributed (team) backing up and restoring

In a team environment, all team members must successfully complete the backup.

A team backup consists of using the single-system backup process. All controllers in the team must be active, and all of the backups in the team should be done either serially at approximately the same time, or in parallel. To complete a teamed backup, no controller can be in a failed state. (A controller team must have three controllers.) In a team environment, all team members must successfully complete the backup for the backup to be successful.

A team restore consists of using the single-system restore process on each controller in the team. Like backups, a system restore in a team should be done either serially at approximately the same time, or in parallel.

NOTE: When restoring a team, be sure to re-install all of the controllers, before initiating the actual restore on any of the controllers.

Also, if backing up the team controllers was done serially, then the restore of the team controllers should be done in reverse order.

A controller that fails a restore operation is not allowed to rejoin the team, and must be re-added as a new controller.

There are reference scripts to automate the backup and restore of an entire team. See Scripts.