Refreshing a region

In case of an inconsistency, and as a troubleshooting feature, you can initiate a re-assertion of the configured roles in a region by using the "refresh" cURL command. This command refreshes all devices in the region.

curl --noproxy controller-ip --header "X-Auth-Token:auth_token" --header "Content-Type:application/json" --fail -ksS --request POST --url https://controller_ip:8443/sdn/v2.0/regions/region_id/

NOTE: A refresh should be done only when the master controller in the region is up.

The following is the JSON structure for refreshing a selected OpenFlow device in a region. Using this additional command structure limits the refresh to the specified device. This is not needed if all devices in the region are to be refreshed:

"region_refresh": { 
"devices": [
"ip": ""