Navigation menu

About the navigation menu

The navigation menu is the primary menu for navigating to controller resources. The resources included with the controller are described in this document. Applications installed on controller might add resources to this menu.

Displays as a pane or an overlay window 

You can display the navigation menu in the following ways:

  • As a pane on the left side of the controller browser window.

  • As a window that overlays part of the main screen of the controller browser window.

Contains one or more navigation trees 

The navigation menu contains the General controller navigation tree and can contain additional navigation trees for installed applications that integrate with the controller UI.

Navigation menu screen details

Screen componentDescription

Displays the navigation tree for the resources that are provided with the controller. By default, the General controller navigation tree is expanded and the Alerts screen is selected and displayed.

To display the screen for another resource, select the resource in the navigation tree.

navigation menu expand and collapse icon

Expands or collapses the controller navigation menu. If the navigation menu is collapsed, this icon is located in the left margin of the console screen.

expand icon

Expands the selected navigation tree. This control is available in the navigation menu for the General controller navigation tree and for each application that is installed and available through the controller navigation menu.

When the navigation menu is displayed as a widow pane on the console, exactly one navigation tree can be expanded. To collapse a navigation tree for the controller or an application, click the expand icon for a different navigation tree.

collapse icon

Collapses the navigation window when it is displayed as an overlay window on the console screen.

Expanding or collapsing the navigation menu

The navigation menu is displayed as a navigation pane by default. You can display the navigation menu as a pane on the controller screen or as a window that overlays the controller screen.

Expanding or collapsing the navigation menu as a window pane 

To expand or collapse the navigation menu as a window pane, click the following icon:

  • When the navigation menu is expanded as a window pane, the icon is located on the right side of the menu.

  • When the navigation menu is collapsed, the icon is located in the left margin of the controller screen.

Expanding or collapsing the navigation menu as an overlay window 

To display the navigation menu as an overlay window, from the top banner of the controller screen, click SDN Controller.

To collapse the navigation window, do one of the following:

  • In the window, click collapse icon

  • From the top banner, click SDN Controller.