Alerts screen

About alerts

Alerts give notification of events that affect controller operation, and in some cases indicate that some action is needed to correct a condition.

Alerts and controller teams 

When controllers are operating in a team, alerts generated by any team member are visible in the Alerts screen for all active team members.

Active, unacknowledged alerts 

By default, alerts are in an unacknowledged, active state. An alert must be in an active state to appear in the following places:

  • The alert notification counter

  • The Alerts as of today window

About alert policies

The values for the AlertManager component keys determine the alert age-out policy. The following table describes the keys for the AlertManager component (com.hp.sdn.adm.alert.impl.AlertManager).



Specifies the number of days an alert remains in persistent storage and remains displayed on the Alerts screen.

Data type

A number from 1 through 31

Default value



When true, specifies that the controller deletes alerts that have exceeded the trim.alert.age limit.

Default value



Specifies how often, in hours, the controller is to delete alerts that have exceeded the trim.alert.age limit.

Data type

A number from 8 through 168

Default value



Enter 8 to specify that the controller delete aged-out alerts every eight hours.

Alert notification counter

The alert notification counter is displayed in top banner and appears on all controller screens. This counter indicates the number of active alerts:

  • The controller increments this counter when each new alert occurs.

  • The controller decrements this controller when you acknowledge an alert or when the controller deletes an alert according to the alert age-out policy .

Alert notification counter

Alert notification counter

Alerts screen details

Screen componentDescription

Updates the alerts displayed on the screen. The controller does not update the display as new alerts are generated. Use this action to refresh the display.


Changes the selected alert to an acknowledged state. The controller displays the alert in gray text. Use this action to indicate that you have read the alert.


Changes the selected alert to an active, unacknowledged state.

Alert text color

Indicates the state of the alert:

  • The controller displays active, unacknowledged alerts the alert in the text color corresponding to the controller theme. For example, when the controller theme is daylight, the active alerts appear in black text.

  • The controller displays the selected alert in blue text. Click an alert to select it.

  • The controller displays acknowledged alerts in gray text.


Indicates the severity of the alert.

informational icon


warning icon


critical icon



Indicates the date and time the alert was generated.


Describes the alert in human readable text.


Indicates which component or application generated the alert.


Indicates of the category for this alert. Multiple origins can contribute alerts to the same topic.

Controller ID

Identifies the controller that generated the alert. The controller is represented as a hexadecimal number. When you use controller teaming, this ID enables you to identify which controller in the team generated the alert.

Viewing the ten most severe recent active alerts

To display a summary of up to 10 alerts ranked by severity (highest to lowest) and then by date and time (newest to oldest):

  • In the top banner, click critical icon .

    The Alerts as of today window is displayed.

To close the window, do one of the following:

  • To close the window and display the Alerts screen, click All.

  • At the bottom of the window, click the collapse icon (collapse icon as upward-pointing triang.e).

  • In the top banner, click either the alert counter number or critical icon.

Acknowledging an alert

To acknowledge an alert from the Alerts as of today window:

  1. Click the alert to select it.

  2. Click Acknowledge.

    The controller removes the alert from the Alerts as of today window, displays the alert in gray text on the Alerts screen, and decrements the alert notification counter by one.

To acknowledge an alert from the Alerts screen:

  1. Click the alert to select it.

  2. Click Acknowledge.

    The controller displays the alert in gray text on the Alerts screen, and decrements the alert notification counter by one.

Deleting an alert

You can acknowledge an individual alert, but you can not clear or delete the alert.

The controller deletes alerts according to the configured alert age-out policy. To configure the age-out policy, see “Configuring the alert policies”

Configuring the alert policies

  1. From the Configurations screen, under Component, select the com.hp.sdn.adm.alert.impl.AlertManager component.

  2. Click Modify.

    The Modify Configuration dialog box appears.

  3. Change the values for the keys. For more information about the keys and values that affect the alert policy, see “About alert policies”.

  4. Click Apply .