Audit logs


List audit log entries

Sample request 

List the audit log:

GET /sdn/v2.0/auditlog

List the audit log by user:

GET /sdn/v2.0/auditlog?user="john.doe"

List the audit log by activity:

GET /sdn/v2.0/auditlog?activity="suspicious"

List the audit log by time period:

GET /sdn/v2.0/auditlog?start=2013-09-19T18%3A06%3A54.086Z&end=2013-09-19T18%3A06%3A54.108Z

user ... optional; if specified, returns only the audit logs for the specified user; otherwise a wildcard

activity... optional; if specified returns only the audit logs with the specified activity; otherwise a wildcard

start... optional; the inclusive start date of the requested time period in ISO-8601 format (Example: 2013-09-15T16:00:00.000Z)

end... optional; the inclusive end date of the requested time period in ISO-8601 format (Example: 2013-09-15T16:00:00.000Z)

There is no request body for this API.

Sample response 

         "activity":"Artifact Management - Upload",
         "description":"geewiz-apps-1.0.0.jar has been staged"
         "activity":"Artifact Management - Refresh",
         "description":"com.geewiz.apps has been refreshed"
         "activity":"Artifact Management - Uninstall",
         "description":"com.geewiz.apps has been removed"
         "activity":"Artifact Management - Upload",
         "description":" has been staged"
         "activity":"Artifact Management - Refresh",
         "description":"golly-gee.plan has been refreshed"
         "activity":"Artifact Management - Uninstall",
         "description":"golly-gee.plan has been removed"

Response codes 

  • Normal: OK (200)

  • Error: Unauthorized (401), Not Found (404), Service Unavailable (503)