Chapter 2 Controller REST API list


NounURIVerbQuery parametersCommentsOF version
Versions{base_uri}GET List all available API versions on this controller 
{base_uri}/{api}GET List all documentation available for this API 
Authentication/authPOSTloginUse Keystone to authenticate and receive an X-Auth tokenfor use with authenticated APIs. 
/authDELETEtokenInvalidates a given X-Auth token so it may no longer be used to authenticate with an API. 
Support/supportGETid, fieldsGet a report of support information 
Licensing/licensesGETkeyList all licenses 
/licensesPOST Add a license 
/licenses/installidGET Get install id 
/licenses/{sno}GET Get license info with the given serial number (sno) 
/licenses/{sno}/actionPOST Perform an action (deactivate) on the license with the given serial number 
/licenses/islicensedGETproduct_idCheck if a product/app is licensed or not 
/licenses/complianceGET product_id, metric_idGet license compliance level (0 to 1) for a product id and a metric id. The resulting compliance level will be in the range 0 to 1.0, where 1.0 is fully compliant and 0 is not licensed. Any other fraction between the range is nothing but partially complaint 
Config/configsGET List all configurations 
/configs/{component}GET List configurations for the given component 
/configs/{component}PUT List the configurations for the given component 
/configs/{component}DELETE Parse delete the specified configurations for the given component (deleted configuration items will revert to their default values) 
Apps/appsGET List all apps deployed on this controller 
/appsPOST Deploy a new app to staging to run on the HP VAN SDN Controller 
/apps/{app_uid}DELETE Undeploy an app 
/apps/{app_uid}PUT Redeploy an app to staging 
/apps/{app_uid}GET Get app information (like vendor, version, etc…) 
/apps/{app_uid}/actionPOST Take an action (install/start/stop) on the given app 
/apps/{app_uid}/healthGET Get app health 
/apps/{app_uid}/healthHEAD Monitor app health 
Logs/logsGET Get team log files 
/logs/localGET Get local log files 
Audit Logs/auditlogGETuser, activity, start, endExport team audit logs 
Systems/systemsGETipList of all controllers 
/systems/{system_uid}GET Get info on a controller 
/systems/{system_uid}PUT Update the IP address of a non-teamed controller 
Region/regionsGET List device regions 
/regionsPOST Create a new device region 
/regions/{region_uid}GET Get a device region 
/regions/{region_uid}PUT Update a device region 
/regions/{region_uid}DELETE Delete a device region 
Team/teamGET Get team configuration 
/teamPOST Create/Form new team 
/teamDELETE Delete/disband team 
Backup/backup/statusGET Get Backup status 
/backup/checksumGET Get checksum of the backup file stored on the controller 
/backupGET Download the backup file from the controller 
/backupPOST Start the backup 
Restore/restorePOST Start the restore 
/restore/statusGET Get the restore status 
/restore/backupPOST Upload a backup file onto the controller for restore purposes 
Alerts/alertsGET List all alerts 
/alerts/topicsGETorgList all alert topics 
/alerts/listenersGET List all listeners 
/alerts/listenersPOST Create a listener to one or more topics 
/alerts/listeners/ {listener_uid}GET Get info on a listener 
/alerts/listeners/ {listener_uid}DELETE Remove a listener 
/alerts/listeners/ {listener_uid}PUT Update a listener 
Metrics/metrics/appsGET List the names and IDs of all applications that have metrics persisted on the system 
/metrics/primariesGETapp_id, name, secondary_tagList all primary tags based on the query parameters 
/metrics/secondariesGETapp_id, name, primary_tagList all secondary tags based on the query parameters 
/metrics/namesGETapp_id, name, secondary_tagList all metric names based on the query parameters 
/metricsGETapp_id, name, primary_tag, secondary_tagList all metrics based on the query parameters 
/metrics/{metric_uid}GET List detail of the metric 
/metrics/{metric_uid}/ valuesGET Return the values of the specified metric