
List config

Sample request 

Get configuration for all apps on this controller team:

GET /sdn/v2.0/configs

There is no request body for this API.

Sample response 

               "desc":"Days an alert remains in storage (1 - 31)",
               "desc":"Allow trim operation (true/false)",
               "desc":"Frequency in hours of trim operations (8 - 168)",
               "desc":"Days an audit log remains in storage (31 - 1870)",
               "desc":"Allow trim operation (true/false)",
               "desc":"Frequency in hours of trim operations (8 - 168)",

Response codes 

  • Normal: OK (200)

  • Error: Unauthorized (401), Not Found (404), Service Unavailable (503)


List config for a given component

Sample request 

Get configuration for the "" component:

GET /sdn/v2.0/configs/com.hp.sdn.adm.alert.impl.AlertManager

There is no request body for this API.

Sample response 

            "desc":"Days an alert remains in storage (1 - 31)",
            "desc":"Allow trim operation (true/false)",
            "desc":"Frequency in hours of trim operations (8 - 168)",

Response codes 

  • Normal: OK (200)

  • Error: Unauthorized (401), Not Found (404), Service Unavailable (503)

Update (partial) config for a given component

Sample request 

Update configuration for the "com.hp.sdn.adm.alert.impl.AlertManager" component:

PUT /sdn/v2.0/configs/com.hp.sdn.adm.alert.impl.AlertManager

Sample response 

            "desc":"Days an alert remains in storage (1 - 31)",
            "desc":"Allow trim operation (true/false)",
            "desc":"Frequency in hours of trim operations (8 - 168)",

Response codes 

  • Normal: OK (200)

  • Error: Unauthorized (401), Not Found (404), Service Unavailable (503)

Revert to default config for a given component

Sample request 

Delete specified configuration items for the "" component:

DELETE /sdn/v2.0/configs/

Delete without any request body will revert all configuration items for the given component back to their defaults.

Sample response 

            "desc":"Days an alert remains in storage (1 - 31)",
            "desc":"Allow trim operation (true/false)",
            "desc":"Frequency in hours of trim operations (8 - 168)",

Response codes 

  • Normal: OK (200)

  • Error: Unauthorized (401), Not Found (404), Service Unavailable (503)