Redundancy group switchover

Redundancy group switchovers include automatic switchovers and manual switchovers. The hold down timer and the preemption timer are used to control automatic switchovers.

Automatic switchover timers

Timers for automatic switchovers include the hold down timer and the preemption delay timer.

Automatic switchover

Typically, a redundancy group uses the high-priority node to forward traffic. This requires the redundancy group to perform switchovers automatically.

A redundancy group cooperates with the Track module to monitor link and interface status for its nodes and perform automatic switchovers.

A redundancy group node has a weight of 255 (not configurable). Each redundancy group node is associated with one or multiple track entries that have a user-configurable weight decrement rate. When the state of a track entry changes, the weight of the associated node is reduced or increased by the weight decrement rate of the track entry.

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For a track entry to operate correctly, you must configure the track entry as described in "Configuring Track."

When the node weight is lower than or equal to 0, the redundancy group node is considered as failed. This triggers a switchover to the other redundancy group node. Typically, the switchover is from the high-priority node to the low-priority node.

The Reth module shuts down all interfaces on the failed high-priority node. The shutdown interfaces cannot recover automatically. When you associate a track entry with the high-priority node, you must exclude the tracked interface from the shutdown action if the interface has one of the following roles:

Excluded interfaces can recover automatically. This changes the state of their track entries to Positive. The redundancy group switches over to the high-priority node when the following requirements are met:

Manual switchover

You can perform manual switchovers in one of the following situations:

Manual switchovers are triggered by commands: