Verifying the configuration

# Display the global password control configuration.

<Sysname> display password-control
 Global password control configurations:
 Password control:                     Enabled
 Password aging:                       Enabled (30 days)
 Password length:                      Enabled (16 characters)
 Password composition:                 Enabled (4 types, 4 characters per type)
 Password history:                     Enabled (max history record:4)
 Early notice on password expiration:  7 days
 Maximum login attempts:               2
 Action for exceeding login attempts:  Lock
 Minimum interval between two updates: 36 hours
 User account idle time:               30 days
 Logins with aged password:            5 times in 60 days
 Password complexity:                  Enabled (username checking)
                                       Enabled (repeated characters checking)

# Display the password control configuration for super passwords.

<Sysname> display password-control super
 Super password control configurations:
 Password aging:                       Enabled (90 days)
 Password length:                      Enabled (24 characters)
 Password composition:                 Enabled (4 types, 5 characters per type)

# Display the password control configuration for local user test.

<Sysname> display local-user user-name test class manage
Total 1 local users matched.

Device management user test:
 State:                    Active
 Service type:             Telnet
 User group:               system
 Bind attributes:
 Authorization attributes:
  Work directory:          flash:
  User role list:          network-operator
 Password control configurations:
  Password aging:          20 days
  Password length:         24 characters
  Password composition:    4 types, 5 characters per type