display vxlan tunnel

Use display vxlan tunnel to display VXLAN tunnel information for VXLANs.


display vxlan tunnel [ vxlan-id vxlan-id ]


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vxlan-id: Specifies a VXLAN ID in the range of 0 to 16777215. If you do not specify a VXLAN, this command displays VXLAN tunnel information for all VXLANs.


# Display VXLAN tunnel information for all VXLANs.

<Sysname> display vxlan tunnel
Total number of VXLANs: 1

VXLAN ID: 10, VSI name: vpna, Total tunnels: 4 (4 up, 0 down, 0 defect, 0 blocked)
Tunnel name          Link ID    State  Type         Flood proxy
Tunnel0              0x5000000  Up     Auto         Disabled
Tunnel1              0x5000001  Up     Manual       Disabled
Tunnel2              0x5000002  Up     Manual/Auto  Disabled
MTunnel0             0x6002710  Up     Auto         Disabled

# Display VXLAN tunnel information for VXLAN 10.

<Sysname> display vxlan tunnel vxlan-id 10
VXLAN ID: 10, VSI name: vpna, Total tunnels: 4 (4 up, 0 down, 0 defect, 0 blocked)
Tunnel name          Link ID    State  Type         Flood proxy
Tunnel0              0x5000000  Up     Auto         Disabled
Tunnel1              0x5000001  Up     Manual       Disabled
Tunnel2              0x5000002  Up     Manual/Auto  Disabled
MTunnel0             0x6002710  Up     Auto         Disabled

Table 7: Command output



Link ID

Tunnel's link ID in the VXLAN.


Tunnel state:

  • Up—The tunnel is operating correctly.

  • Blocked—The tunnel is a backup proxy tunnel. Its tunnel interface is up, but the tunnel is blocked because the primary proxy tunnel is operating correctly. This value is not supported in the current software version.

  • Defect—The tunnel interface is up, but BFD cannot detect the remote VTEP. This value is not supported in the current software version.

  • Down—The tunnel interface is down.


Tunnel assignment method:

  • Auto—The tunnel was automatically assigned to the VXLAN. This value is not supported in the current software version.

  • Manual—The tunnel was manually assigned to the VXLAN.

Flood proxy

Flood proxy state. This field is not supported in the current software version.

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