How do I install the Java running environment on Linux to access IMC by using Firefox?

To install the Java running environment, install and configure JDK or JRE for Firefox. This example uses JDK.

  1. Download the JDK installation file from Oracle website:


    Make sure installation file matches the requirements of the operating system. For example, download jdk-6u12-linux-i586-rpm.bin for x86-based Linux.

  2. Copy the JDK installation file to a local directory. In this example, save the installation file in the /tmp directory, and then install JDK:

    cd /tmp
    sh jdk-6u12-linux-i586-rpm.bin
  3. Press the spacebar to view the copyright information, and then enter yes to finish the JDK installation.

    JDK is installed in the /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_12 directory. At the same time, a /usr/java/default link pointing to the /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_12 directory is generated automatically, equivalent to JDK is installed in the /usr/java/default directory.

  4. Configure JDK for Firefox.

    On the Linux operating system, execute the following commands:

    cd /var/local/firefox/plugins/
    ln -s /usr/java/default/jre/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so

After the installation, run /var/local/firefox/firefox to access IMC.

After IMC installation is complete, how do I change the database file storage path?

  1. Stop the IMC service by using the Intelligent Deployment Monitoring Agent.

  2. Transfer the databases of IMC components to the new storage path on the database server. This example uses D:\imcdata.

  3. At the CLI, access the \deploy directory of the IMC installation path, and then modify the database file storage path.

    pwdmgr.bat –changeDataDir "D:\imcdata"

    Figure 101 shows that the storage path has been successfully modified.

    Figure 101: Modifying the database file storage path

  4. Start the IMC service.

On Linux, the time on the server (such as the login time and operation log record time) is different from the time on the server, and the difference might be several hours. How can I solve this problem?

This issue occurs because the current time zone setting on the server is different from that when IMC was installed. You can use the tzselect command to modify the time zone of the server.

After IMC is installed in the Windows Server 2003 64-bit OS, the IMC background processes cannot be started. How can I resolve this issue?

For correct IMC operation on Windows Server 2003 64-bit OS, install patch WindowsServer2003-KB942288-v4-x64.exe on the OS.

  1. Stop IMC.

  2. Install the patch.

  3. Execute vcredist.exe in the \deploy\components\server directory of the IMC installation path.

During the component deployment process, a deployment failure occurs and the system displays a database script execution error message. The log file includes an error message that the object dbo.qv.id already exists. How can I resolve this issue?

  1. Log in to the Query Analyzer of SQL Server as sa, and then execute the following commands:

    use model
    EXEC sp_droptype 'qv_id'
  2. Redeploy the component that failed to be deployed.

When installing IMC on Windows Server 2008 R2, the system indicates that the Windows Installer cannot be installed, as shown in Figure 102. How can I resolve this issue?

Figure 102: Windows Installer dialog box

  1. In the Windows Installer dialog box, click Browse.

  2. Select the vc_red.msi file in a folder whose name contains digits and abcdef in the root directory of the disk.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Continue the installation.

On Linux, how can I start JavaService when Xwindows is closed?

Use service IMCdmsd start to start the JavaService.

On Windows, IMC service processes cannot be started or stopped after IMC runs for a period of time. How can I resolve this issue?

This issue is caused by insufficient virtual memory.

To resolve this issue, set the virtual memory to the system managed size:

  1. On the IMC server, click Control Panel, and then click the System icon.

    The System Properties dialog box opens, as shown in Figure 103.

    Figure 103: System Properties dialog box

  2. Click the Advanced tab, and then click Settings in the Performance area.

    The Performance Options dialog box opens, as shown in Figure 104.

    Figure 104: Performance Options dialog box

  3. Click the Advanced tab, and click Change in the Virtual memory area.

    The Virtual Memory dialog box opens, as shown in Figure 105.

    Figure 105: Virtual Memory dialog box

  4. Select System managed size, and then click Set.

  5. Click OK.

On Linux, popup windows cannot be found during IMC deployment or upgrade. How can I resolve this issue?

When Xshell or Xstart is used for remote GUI access on Linux, a window might open on top of popup windows. To resolve this problem, move the window away to view the popup windows.