Port settings

As a best practice, use a firewall to protect the IMC server cluster by filtering the non-service data sent to the cluster. If the firewall is installed on the master server or subordinate servers, open the IP addresses of the subordinate servers or the master server in the firewall to ensure correct communication between them.

[NOTE: ]


  • As a best practice to avoid legitimate packet fragments being filtered, do not use ACLs on switches to filter data packets destined for the IMC server cluster.

  • NTA/UBA typically uses probes for log collection. When a firewall is deployed between the probes and IMC, configure ACLs on the firewall to allow IP packets sent by the probes to IMC.

Make sure the ports used by the IMC components (listed in Table 16 and Table 17) are not blocked by the firewall.

Table 16: Port numbers used by the IMC platform

Default port number



UDP 161

Port to add a device to the IMC


UDP 22

Port for SSH operations


TCP 23

Port for Telnet operations


UDP 514, 515

Port for syslog operations

IMC server

UDP 162

Port for trap operations

IMC server

TCP 8080, configurable

HTTP access to IMC

IMC server

TCP 8443, configurable

HTTPS access to IMC

IMC server

UDP 69

Port for Intelligent Configuration Center to perform configuration management through TFTP

IMC server

TCP 20, 21

Port for Intelligent Configuration Center to perform configuration management through FTP

IMC server

TCP 2810

Port for data file backup and restoration by using DBMan

IMC server

Table 17: Port numbers used by the IMC NTA/UBA

Default port number



UDP 9020, 9021, 6343

Port for the IMC server to receive logs

IMC server

TCP 8051

Listening port used to monitor the command for stopping the NTA/UBA service

IMC server

TCP 9099

JMX listening port for the NTA/UBA service

IMC server

UDP 18801, 18802, 18803

Communication ports between the NTA and UBA

IMC server