Installing a DHCP plug-in on a Linux DHCP server

  1. On the master server, edit the qvdm.conf file to enable IMC to obtain endpoint names or FQDNs from DHCP servers:

    1. In the \server\conf directory of the IMC installation path, use Notepad to open the qvdm.conf file.

    2. Add the following line to the file:

    3. Save and close the file.

    4. Restart IMC in the Intelligent Deployment Monitoring Agent.

  2. On the Linux DHCP server, edit the imf.cfg file so that the DHCP server can communicate with IMC:

    1. Transfer the plug-in installation package from the tools directory of the IMC installation package on the IMC server to the Linux DHCP server.

    2. Decompress the installation package.

    3. Use the vi editor to open the imf.cfg file in the /dhcp-plug-linux/server/imf/server/conf/ directory.

      vi imf.cfg
    4. Edit the imf.cfg file:

      • Set the value of IMGAddress to the IP address of the master server.

      • Set the value of IMGPort to the IMG port number, which is 8800 by default.

    5. Save and close the file.

  3. Set the path of the dhcpd.leases file, which stores DHCP address allocation information:

    1. Determine the path of the dhcpd.leases file. The default path is /var/lib/dhcp.

    2. Use the vi editor to open the qvdm.conf file in the /dhcp-plug-linux/server/imf/server/conf/ directory, and then add the following line to the file:

      DhcpPlugIpAllocPath=<file path>/dhcpd.leases

      Replace file path with the path of the dhcpd.leases file.

    3. Save and close the file.

  4. Run the script in the dhcp-plug-linux directory.

After the installation is complete, the system automatically starts the dhcp-plug service and adds the service to the system services.

To manually start the dhcp-plug service, execute the service dhcp-plug start command.

To stop the dhcp-plug service, execute the service dhcp-plug stop command.

To uninstall the DHCP plug-in, run the script in the dhcp-plug-linux directory of the plug-in installation package.



Do not delete the directory where the plug-in installation package is decompressed because the DHCP plug-in will not be uninstalled completely.