Automating Oracle database startup on Linux

  1. Log in to Linux as root.

  2. Copy the Oracle startup script oracled.tar.gz from the /manual directory of the IMC installation package to the Linux operating system.

  3. Decompress the script file.

    tar -xzf oracled.tar.gz
  4. Copy the decompressed file to the /etc/rc.d/init.d directory.

    cp oracled /etc/rc.d/init.d/
  5. Change the file permissions.

    chmod –R 755 oracled
  6. Add the script to the startup configuration file of the Linux operating system.

    chkconfig --add oracled
  7. Open the Oracle configuration file /etc/oratab.

    vi /etc/oratab
  8. Set the following line to Y.

  9. Save and close the file.

    The Oracle database automatically starts at the Linux startup.

  10. To manually start or stop the Oracle database, use the following commands:

    service oracled start
    service oracled stop