Checking the required software packages

Before installing the Oracle database, make sure you have installed all required packages on the Linux operating system:

  1. Identify all packages that are already installed on the system.

    rpm -qa
  2. Determine whether a required software package has been installed.

    rpm -q
  3. If a software package is missing, install the package:

    1. Copy the software package from the Linux installation CD to a local directory.

      On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, the software package is located in the Server directory of the installation CD.

      On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x, the software package is located in the Packages directory of the installation CD.

    2. Install the package with or without a package dependency check.

      rpm –ivh xxx.rpm
      rpm -i --nodeps xxx.rpm

      The string xxx.rpm represents the name of the software package to install.

The following 64-bit software packages, or later packages, are required:

The following 32-bit software packages, or later packages, are required: