Identification of 4x4 part numbers

A SKU# (also called a Product Number or Part Number) may be fulfilled by two or more vendor parts providing similar functionality. A 4x4 part number is of the form nnnn-nnnn and is printed on the transceiver, DAC, or AOC label. For example, JL309A can have a 1990-4680 or 1990-4678 4x4 part number.

4x4 part numbers are referenced in the:

  • specification tables, to identify parts that support DOM (Digital Optical Monitoring) capabilities. (Some older vendor parts do not support DOM.)

  • compatibility tables, where necessary, to identify supported combinations of switch or module with the identified transceiver, along with the minimum software version required.

In December 2017, Aruba introduced Revision D (and, in 2019, a Rev E 10G LR optic) versions of 100M, 1G, and 10G products. Revision D products are structured to be specific alternative vendors as sources for the SKU#. Earlier Revision A, B, or C product may have alternative vendors that Aruba no longer actively ships, but remains as fully supported in specific switches.

Some switch products will specify Revision D (and, in some cases, Rev E 10G LR optic) transceivers for full support, while other products may support earlier (older) revision transceivers – and some with specific 4x4 part numbers.

To cross-reference the Transceiver/DAC product against the switch product to identify the minimum software required for transceiver support, always refer to the Datasheet or QuickSpecs for the switch product to see the current list of supported transceivers. Refer to the compatibility tables within this document .

To use CLI commands to display data for an installed transceiver, see the following examples.

switch# show int 1/10/6 transceiver 
Port      Type        Product   Serial          Part        
                      Number    Number          Number      
1/10/6    QSFP+SR4    JH231A    XX57nnnnnn      1990-5555  
switch# show int 1/10/6 dom
Port      Type        Channel#  Temperature     Voltage         Tx Bias      Rx Power        Tx Power        
                                (Celsius)       (Volts)         (mA)         (mW/dBm)        (mW/dBm)        
1/10/6    QSFP+SR4    1         26.00           3.32            6.72         0.02, -16.99    0.58, -2.37     
                      2         26.00           3.32            6.79         0.02, -16.99    0.59, -2.29     
                      3         26.00           3.32            6.68         0.03, -15.23    0.59, -2.29     
                      4         26.00           3.32            6.82         0.03, -15.23    0.60, -2.22 
switch# show interfaces transceiver f2 detail
Transceiver in F2
   Interface Index    : 162 
   Type               : QSFP+SR4        
   Model              : JH231A  
   Connector Type     : MPO                             
   Wavelength         : 850nm                           
   Transfer Distance  : 100m (50um OM3), 150m (50um OM4)                
   Diagnostic Support : DOM   
   Serial Number      : XX57nnnnnn      
   Temperature : 33.332C         
   Voltage     : 3.3208V     

            Tx Bias  Rx Power       Tx Power
  Channel#  (mA)     (mW/dbM)       (mW/dbM)     
  --------- -------- -------------- --------------
  1         6.904    0.5622, -2.501 0.5822, -2.349
  2         6.706    0.5922, -2.275 0.5856, -2.324
  3         6.894    0.6321, -1.992 0.5813, -2.356
  4         6.792    0.5111, -2.915 0.5651, -2.479
  Current Alarms:
    Channel 1 :  
       Tx bias low alarm                      
       Rx power low warning                  
    Channel 2 :  
       Tx bias low alarm                      
       Rx power low warning                  
  Current Errors:
    Channel 1 :  
       Rx Loss of Signal                     
    Channel 2 :  
       Rx Loss of Signal                     
    Channel 3 :  
       Rx Loss of Signal                     
    Channel 4 :  
       Rx Loss of Signal