show port-access device-profile


show port-access device-profile [interface {all | <INTERFACE-ID>} 
     [client-status <MAC-ADDR>]]


Shows the client status for a specific MAC address.

Command context

Manager (#)


interface {all | <INTERFACE-ID>}
Select all for all interfaces or specify the name of an interface in the format: member/slot/port.
client-status <MAC-ADDR>
Specifies a MAC address (xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx), where x is a hexadecimal number from 0 to F.


Administrators or local user group members with execution rights for this command.


Showing the applied state of the device profiles:

switch# show port-access device-profile

    Profile Name    : accesspoints
    LLDP Groups     : 2920-grp
    CDP Groups      :
    Role            : local_role_1
    State           : Enabled

    Profile Name    : access_switches
    LLDP Groups     : 2920-grp
    CDP Groups      :
    Role            : local_2920_role
    State           : Enabled

    Profile Name    : lobbyaps
    LLDP Groups     : 2920-grp
    CDP Groups      :
    Role            : test_ap_role
    State           : Disabled

Showing the applied state of the device profile on interface 1/1/3:

switch# show port-access device-profile interface 1/1/3 client-status 00:0c:29:9e:d1:20

Port 1/1/24, Neighbor-Mac  b0:00:b4:d9:0f:43
    Profile Name:           : voip
    LLDP Group:             :
    CDP Group:              : voip
    Role:                   : voip
    State:                  : applied
    Failure Reason:         :