copy core-dump [<MEMBER/SLOT>] kernel


copy core-dump [<MEMBER/SLOT>] kernel <REMOTE-URL> [vrf <VRF-NAME>]


Copies a kernel core dump using TFTP or SFTP.

Command context

Manager (#)



Specifies the slot ID on an 8400 or 6400 switch. Optional.

Syntax: Slot number for line (1/1-1/4, 1/7-1/10) MM(1/5 or 1/6)


Specifies the URL to copy the command output. Required.

Syntax: {tftp:// | sftp://<USER>@}{<IP> | <HOST>}[:<PORT>][;blocksize=<VAL>]/<FILE>

vrf <VRF-NAME>

Specifies the VRF name. The default VRF name is default. Optional.


Administrators or local user group members with execution rights for this command.


Copying the kernel core dump to the URL:

switch# copy core-dump kernel tftp://

Copying the kernel core dump to the URL with the VRF named mgmt:

switch# copy core-dump kernel tftp:// vrf mgmt

Copying the kernel core dump from slot ID 1/1 to the URL with the VRF named mgmt:

switch# copy core-dump 1/1 kernel sftp://abc@ vrf mgmt