Changing the configuration of an agent using the REST API

Instructions and examples in this document use an IP address that is reserved for documentation,, as an example of the IP address for the switch. To access your switch, you must use the IP address or hostname of that switch.

  • You must be logged in to the switch REST API with a user name that has administrator rights.

  • The switch REST API access mode must be read-write.

  1. Disable the agent.

    For example:

  2. Update and enable the agent by using the PUT method on the URI of the agent.

    The PUT method replaces the agent specified by the URI. If the agent has multiple parameters in parameters_values, any parameters that you do not specify in the PUT method are reset to their default values. If you do not specify a value for a required parameter, and that parameter does not have a default value, the agent configuration is changed, but the agent has the following error message:

    The NAE Agent has Python errors. Please check hpe-policyd logs for Python errors.

    This example changes the value of the short-term high threshold for com.myco.bgp_mon.Agent1 to 22.
