show ipv6 mld snooping [vlan <vlan-id> [group [port <port_id>]]


show ipv6 mld snooping [vlan <vlan-id> [group [port <port_id>]]


This command shows MLD snooping details for the specified VLAN, including the number of different groups joined for the VLAN.

Command context

Manager (#)



Required: <PORT>, shows MLD protocol information for the specified port of a VLAN.


Operators or Administrators or local user group members with execution rights for this command. Operators can execute this command from the operator context (>) only.


switch# show ipv mld snooping vlan 2 group port 1/1/1

VLAN ID   : 2

Group Address : ff05::2:1
Last Reporter : fe80::1
Group Type    : Filter

                                        V1        Sources   Sources
Port      Vers Mode Uptime    Expires   Timer     Forwarded Blocked
--------- ---- ---- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------
1/1/1     2    INC  1m 46s    2m 34s              3         0

Group Address  : ff05::2:1
Source Address : 3000::1
Source Type    : Filter

Port      Mode Uptime    Expires   Configured Mode
--------- ---- --------- --------- ----------------
1/1/1     INC  1m 46s    2m 34s    Auto

Group Address  : ff05::2:1
Source Address : 3000::2
Source Type    : Filter

Port      Mode Uptime    Expires   Configured Mode
--------- ---- --------- --------- ----------------
1/1/1     INC  1m 46s    2m 34s    Auto

Group Address  : ff05::2:1
Source Address : 3000::3
Source Type    : Filter

Port      Mode Uptime    Expires   Configured Mode
--------- ---- --------- --------- ----------------
1/1/1     INC  1m 46s    2m 34s    Auto