clear nd-snooping binding


clear nd-snooping binding {all | ipv6 <IPV6-ADDR> vlan <VLAN-ID> |
                                     port <PORT-NUM> | vlan <VLAN-ID>} 


Clears ND snooping binding entries.

Command context

Operator (>) or Manager (#)



Specifies that all ND binding information is to be cleared.

ip <IPV6-ADDR> vlan <VLAN-ID>

Specifies the IPv6 address and VLAN for which all ND binding information is to be cleared.

port <PORT-NUM>

Specifies the port for which all ND binding information is to be cleared.

vlan <VLAN-ID>

Specifies the VLAN for which all ND binding information is to be cleared. Range: 1 to 4094.


Operators or Administrators or local user group members with execution rights for this command. Operators can execute this command from the operator context (>) only.


On the 6400 Switch Series, interface identification differs.

Clearing all ND binding information for 5000::1:

switch(config)# clear nd-snooping binding ipv6 5000::1

Clearing all ND binding information for 5000::1 vlan 1:

switch(config)# clear nd-snooping binding ipv6 5000::1 vlan 1

Clearing all ND binding information for port 1/1/10:

switch(config)# clear nd-snooping binding port 1/1/10

Clearing all ND binding information for VLAN 10:

switch(config)# clear nd-snooping binding vlan 10

Clearing all ND binding information:

switch(config)# clear nd-snooping binding all