show ipv4 source-lockdown


show ipv4 source-lockdown [binding [interface <IFNAME> | ip <IPV4-ADDR> | 
                                    mac <MAC-ADDR> | vlan <VLAN-ID>] |
                           interface <IFNAME>] [vsx-peer]


Shows summary or detailed IPv4 source lockdown information. When entered without parameters, summary status information for all interfaces (ports) in the binding database is shown.

Command context

Operator (>) or Manager (#)



Specifies that detailed lockdown binding record information is to be displayed. The binding database record can be identified by any one of interface (port), ip, mac, or vlan.

interface <IFNAME>

Specifies the client interface (port). When entered without the binding parameter, the summary status information is displayed for the specified interface.

ip <IPV4-ADDR>

Specifies the client IPv4 unicast address.

mac <MAC-ADDR>

Specifies the client MAC address.

vlan <VLAN-ID>

Specifies the ID of an existing VLAN on which the client is connected. Range: 1 to 4094.


Shows the output from the VSX peer switch. If the switches do not have the VSX configuration or the ISL is down, the output from the VSX peer switch is not displayed. This parameter is available on switches that support VSX.


Operators or Administrators or local user group members with execution rights for this command. Operators can execute this command from the operator context (>) only.


Showing the summary status information for all interfaces in the binding database:

switch# show ipv4 source-lockdown

  ---------  --------  ---------
  1/1/1      Yes       Yes
  1/1/2      Yes       No
  lag112     Yes       Yes

Showing the summary status information for the specified interface in the binding database:

switch# show ipv4 source-lockdown interface 1/1/2

  ---------  --------  ---------
  1/1/2      Yes        No

Showing the detailed binding record and related information for all interfaces in the binding database:

switch# show ipv4 source-lockdown binding

 Interface Name        : 1/1/1
 VLAN Id               : 2000
 MAC Address           : 00:50:56:96:e4:cf
 IP Address            :
 Time Remaining        : static
 Lockdown Status       : Yes
 Hardware Status       : Yes
 Hardware Error Reason : --

 Interface Name        : 1/1/2
 VLAN Id               : 100
 MAC Address           : 00:50:56:96:04:4d
 IP Address            :
 Time Remaining        : 115 seconds
 Lockdown Status       : Yes
 Hardware Status       : No
 Hardware Error Reason : Resource unavailable

 Interface Name        : lag112
 VLAN Id               : 12
 MAC Address           : 00:50:56:96:d8:3d
 IP Address            :
 Time Remaining        : static
 Lockdown Status       : Yes
 Hardware Status       : Yes
 Hardware Error Reason : --

Showing the detailed binding record and related information for interface 1/1/2:

switch# show ipv4 source-lockdown binding interface 1/1/2

 Interface Name        : 1/1/2
 VLAN Id               : 100
 MAC Address           : 00:50:56:96:04:4d
 IP Address            :
 Time Remaining        : 115 seconds
 Lockdown Status       : Yes
 Hardware Status       : No
 Hardware Error Reason : Resource unavailable

Showing the detailed binding record and related information for interface lag112 (identified in this example command by the IP address):

switch# show ipv4 source-lockdown binding ip

 Interface Name        : lag112
 VLAN Id               : 12
 MAC Address           : 00:50:56:96:d8:3d
 IP Address            :
 Time Remaining        : static
 Lockdown Status       : Yes
 Hardware Status       : Yes
 Hardware Error Reason : --

Showing the detailed binding record and related information for interface 1/1/1 (identified in this example command by the MAC address):

switch# show ipv4 source-lockdown binding mac 00:50:56:96:e4:cf

 Interface Name        : 1/1/1
 VLAN Id               : 2000
 MAC Address           : 00:50:56:96:e4:cf
 IP Address            :
 Time Remaining        : static
 Lockdown Status       : Yes
 Hardware Status       : Yes
 Hardware Error Reason : --

Showing the detailed binding record and related information for interface 1/1/2 (identified in this example command by the VLAN):

switch# show ipv4 source-lockdown binding vlan 100

 Interface Name        : 1/1/2
 VLAN Id               : 100
 MAC Address           : 00:50:56:96:04:4d
 IP Address            :
 Time Remaining        : 115 seconds
 Lockdown Status       : Yes
 Hardware Status       : No
 Hardware Error Reason : Resource unavailable