User and user group management tasks

User and user group management common tasks are as follows. Simple tasks link to the relevant command description. Larger tasks link to the relevant multistep procedure.

Task Command or procedure Example
Creating a user user user jamie group administrators password
Changing a user password user password user jamie password
Removing a user user no user jamie
Setting a user account password user password user admin password
Resetting the admin password using the Service OS (procedure)  
Resetting the admin password by reverting the switch to factory defaults (procedure)
erase startup-config
boot system
Showing a list of all users show user-list show user-list
Showing information for the logged-in user show user information show user information
Creating a user group user-group user-group admuser2
Adding command authorization rules to a user group permit or deny (within user-group )
10 deny cli command "show aaa .*"
20 permit cli command "show .*"
Adding comments to rules in a user group comment (within user-group )
10 comment Deny all show aaa commands.
20 comment Permit all other show commands.
Resequencing rules in a user group resequence (within user-group ) resequence 100 20
Showing a list of all user groups show user-group show user-group