spanning-tree pathcost-type


spanning-tree pathcost-type {long | short}

no spanning-tree pathcost-type


Configures the spanning tree path cost type. The long mode provides support for the wider range of link speeds required by high-speed interfaces. All switches in the network must use the same path cost type or errors can occur in the spanning tree.

The no form of this command sets the spanning tree path cost type to the default value of long.

Command context




Specifies the spanning tree path cost type as a 32-bit value, allowing port cost values to be set in the range 1-200,000,000. Default.


Specifies the spanning tree path cost type as a 16-bit value, allowing port cost values to be set in the range 1-65535.


Administrators or local user group members with execution rights for this command.


Setting spanning tree path cost type to short:

switch# config
switch(config)# spanning-tree pathcost-type short

Setting spanning tree path cost type to long:

switch# config
switch(config)# spanning-tree pathcost-type long

Setting spanning tree path cost to default of long:

switch# config
switch(config)# no spanning-tree pathcost-type