clear mac-address


clear mac-address {port <PORT-NUM> [vlan <VLAN-ID>] | vlan <VLAN-ID> [port <PORT-NUM>]}


Clears the dynamic learned MAC addresses on the specified port, VLAN, or combination of port and VLAN.

Command context

Manager (#)



Specifies a physical port on the switch. Use the format member/slot/port (for example, 1/3/1).


Specifies the number of a VLAN. Range: 1 - 4040.


Administrators or local user group members with execution rights for this command.


Clearing the learned MAC addresses on a port:

switch# clear mac-address port 1/1/1

Clearing the learned MAC addresses on a combination of a VLAN and a port:

switch# clear mac-address port 1/1/1 vlan 20
switch# clear mac-address vlan 2 port 1/1/3