show ipv6 ospfv3 routes


show ipv6 ospfv3 [<INSTANCE-TAG>] routes [<PREFIX/LENGTH>] 
     [all-vrfs | vrf <VRF-NAME>] [vsx-peer]


Shows the OSPFv3 routing table information.

Command context

Operator (>) or Manager (#)



Specifies an OSPFv3 Process ID that shows information from the OSPFv3 routing table for the particular OSPFv3 process. Range: 1-63.


Specifies the IPv6 destination prefix showing information about a particular destination prefix. For example, 2010:bd9::/32.


Select to show OSPFv3 routing table information for all VRFs.

vrf <VRF-NAME>

Specifies the name of a VRF. Default: default.


Shows the output from the VSX peer switch. If the switches do not have the VSX configuration or the ISL is down, the output from the VSX peer switch is not displayed. This parameter is available on switches that support VSX.


Operators or Administrators or local user group members with execution rights for this command. Operators can execute this command from the operator context (>) only.


On the 6400 Switch Series, interface identification differs.

Showing OSPFv3 routing table information:

switch# show ipv6 ospfv3 routes
Codes: i - Intra-area route, I - Inter-area route
       E1 - External type-1, E2 - External type-2

OSPFv3 Process ID 1 VRF default, Routing Table

Total Number of OSPFv3 Routes : 2

111::/64           (i) area:
     directly attached to interface 1/1/1, cost 1 distance 110
fd00::/64          (i) area:
     directly attached to interface vlan10, cost 1 distance 110
Showing OSPFv3 routing table information for VRF red:
switch# show ipv6 ospfv3 routes vrf red

Codes: i - Intra-area route, I - Inter-area route
       E1 - External type-1, E2 - External type-2

OSPFv3 Process ID 2 VRF red, Routing Table

Total Number of OSPFv3 Routes : 1

222::/64           (i) area:
     directly attached to interface 1/1/2, cost 1 distance 110

Showing OSPFv3 routing table information for destination prefix fd00::/64:

switch# show ipv6 ospfv3 1 routes fd00::/64
Codes: i - Intra-area route, I - Inter-area route
       E1 - External type-1, E2 - External type-2

OSPFv3 Process ID 1 VRF default, Routing Table for prefixes fd00::/64

Total Number of OSPFv3 Routes : 1

fd00::/64          (i) area:
     directly attached to interface vlan10, cost 1 distance 110