show bgp <PREFIX>


show bgp [vrf <VRF-NAME>] {ipv4 unicast <A.B.C.D/M> | 
     ipv6 unicast <X::Y/M>} [vsx-peer]

show bgp l2vpn evpn <VXLAN-NETWORK-ID>


This command displays entries in the BGP routing table that are part of the specified network.

Command context

Operator (>) or Manager (#)


vrf <VRF-NAME>

Shows the information for a specified VRF.

ipv4 unicast <A.B.C.D/M>

Shows the information for an IPv4 unicast family with an IP prefix (network/length such as in the BGP routing table to display.

ipv6 unicast <X::Y/M>

Shows the information for an IPv6 unicast family an IPv6 prefix in the BGP routing table to display.


Shows the output from the VSX peer switch. If the switches do not have the VSX configuration or the ISL is down, the output from the VSX peer switch is not displayed. This parameter is available on switches that support VSX.

l2vpn evpn

Shows the information for L2VPN EVPN address family. This parameter applies only to 8325 series switches.


Operators or Administrators or local user group members with execution rights for this command. Operators can execute this command from the operator context (>) only.


Showing the entries in the BGP routing table that are part of an IPv4 unicast network:

switch# show bgp ipv4 unicast

VRF : default
BGP Local AS 2         BGP Router-ID

   Network       :               Nexthop             :
   Peer          :                   Origin              : IGP
   Metric        : 0                         Local Pref          : 100
   Weight        : 0                         Calc. Local Pref    : 100
   Best          : Yes                       Valid               : Yes
   Type          : external                  Stale               : No
   Originator ID :

   AS-Path           : 1
   Cluster List      :
   Communities       : 50:100,50:101,50:102,50:103,50:104,50:105,50:106,50:107,50:108,50:109,50:110,50:1
   Extd. Communities :
Showing the entries in the BGP routing table that are part of L2VPN EVPN:
switch# show bgp l2vpn evpn vni 30000
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, = multipath,
              i internal, e external S Stale, R Removed
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
EVPN Route-Type 2 prefix: [2]:[ESI]:[EthTag]:[MAC]:[OrigIP]
EVPN Route-Type 3 prefix: [3]:[EthTag]:[OrigIP]

VRF : default
Router-ID not configured

     Network                                                   Nexthop         Metric LocPrf Weight Path
Route Distinguisher:    (L2VNI 30000)
*>   [2]:[0]:[0]:[00:06:f6:3f:e3:c1]:[]                      0      100    32768  i
*>   [2]:[0]:[0]:[8c:60:4f:f2:f5:41]:[]                      0      100    0      i
*>   [3]:[0]:[]                                        0      100    0      ?
Total number of entries 3