ipv4 source-binding


ipv4 source-binding <VLAN-ID> <IPV4-ADDR> <MAC-ADDR> <IFNAME> 

no ipv4 source-binding <VLAN-ID> <IPV4-ADDR> <MAC-ADDR> <IFNAME>


Adds static IPv4 client source binding information to the switch IP binding database. Although DHCPv4 snooping is often used to dynamically populate the binding database, this command is available for manually adding entries to the switch IP binding database.


Statically configured IP binding information supersedes any dynamically collected binding information for the same client.

The no form of this command removes the specified binding that was statically configured with the ipv4 source-binding command. The no form has no effect on bindings that were dynamically configured with DHCPv4 snooping.

Command context




Specifies the ID of an existing VLAN on which the client is connected. Range: 1 to 4094.


Specifies the client IPv4 unicast address.


Specifies the client MAC address.


Specifies the interface on which the client is connected.


Administrators or local user group members with execution rights for this command.


On the 6400 Switch Series, interface identification differs.

Adding a static IPv4 binding:

switch(config)# ipv4 source-binding 1 00:50:56:96:e4:cf 1/1/1

Removing a IPv4 binding:

switch(config)# no ipv4 source-binding 1 00:50:56:96:e4:cf 1/1/1