ipv6 nd ra dns search-list


ipv6 nd ra dns search-list <DOMAIN-NAME>  [lifetime <TIME>]

no ipv6 nd ra dns search-list <DOMAIN-NAME> 


Configures the DNS Search List (DNSSL) to include in Router Advertisements (RAs) transmitted on the interface.

The no form of this command removes the DNS Search List from the RAs transmitted on the interface.

Command context




Specifies the domain names for DNS queries.

lifetime <TIME>

Specifies lifetime in seconds. Range: 4-4294967295 seconds. Default: 1800 seconds.


Administrators or local user group members with execution rights for this command.


  • DNSSL contains the domain names of DNS suffixes or IPv6 hosts to append to short, unqualified domain names for DNS queries.

  • Multiple DNS domain names can be added to the DNSSL by using the command repeatedly.

  • A maximum of eight server addresses are allowed.


switch(config)# interface 1/1/1
switch(config-if)# ipv6 nd ra dns search-list test.com lifetime 500