show copp-policy statistics


show copp-policy statistics [class <CLASS> | default-class | non-zero] [vsx-peer]


Displays statistics for all classes, a single class, or all classes with non-zero statistics in the active CoPP policy.

Command context

Operator (>) or Manager (#)



Specifies the class for which to display statistics.


Displays statistics for the default class.


Displays statistics for all classes with non-zero statistics.


Shows the output from the VSX peer switch. If the switches do not have the VSX configuration or the ISL is down, the output from the VSX peer switch is not displayed. This parameter is available on switches that support VSX.


Operators or Administrators or local user group members with execution rights for this command. Operators can execute this command from the operator context (>) only.


If a single class is specified, the priority, rate, and burst size that has been programmed in hardware for that class will be shown. This command will fail with an alert if the user specifies a class that is not configured for the actively applied CoPP policy.


Applying the default CoPP policy and displaying statistics for all classes in the actively applied policy:


The rate displayed is the actual rate in hardware.

switch# config terminal
switch(config)# apply copp-policy default
switch(config)# exit
switch# show copp-policy statistics
Statistics for CoPP policy 'default':
    bytes passed     : 64000              bytes dropped    : 96000
    packets passed   : 1000               packets dropped  : 1500
    avg_packet_size_passed: 64            avg_packet_size_dropped: 64
Class: default
    bytes passed     : 25600              bytes dropped    : 38400
    packets passed   : 400                packets dropped  : 600
    avg_packet_size_passed: 64            avg_packet_size_dropped: 64
Class: acl-logging
    bytes passed     : 6400               bytes dropped    : 6400
    packets passed   : 100                packets dropped  : 100
    avg_packet_size_passed: 64            avg_packet_size_dropped: 64
Class: arp-broadcast
    bytes passed     : 32000              bytes dropped    : 51200
    packets passed   : 500                packets dropped  : 800
    avg_packet_size_passed: 64            avg_packet_size_dropped: 64

Displaying statistics for the default class in the active policy:

switch(config)# show copp-policy statistics default-class
Statistics for CoPP policy 'default':
Class: default
Description: Default
    priority             : 1
    rate (pps)           : 1000
    burst size (pkts)    : 500

    bytes passed     : 25600              bytes dropped    : 38400
    packets passed   : 400                packets dropped  : 600
    avg_packet_size_passed: 64            avg_packet_size_dropped: 64

Displaying statistics for the class arp-broadcast in the actively applied policy:

switch# show copp-policy statistics class arp-broadcast
Statistics for CoPP policy 'default':
Class: arp-broadcast
Description: Address Resolution Protocol broadcast
    priority             : 3
    rate (pps)           : 7000
    burst size (pkts)    : 7000

    bytes passed     : 32000              bytes dropped    : 51200
    packets passed   : 500                packets dropped  : 800
    avg_packet_size_passed: 64            avg_packet_size_dropped: 64