Wildcard character support

When you use the GET method, the URI can contain the asterisk (*) wildcard character instead of a component in URI path. You can use wildcard characters in multiple places in the path. You cannot use a wildcard character as part of the query string.

The wildcard character must replace the entire component in the path. The wildcard character does not support regular expressions. For example, you can use a wildcard to specify all VRFs, but you cannot use a wildcard character to specify all VRFs that begin with the letter r.

By using a wildcard character in place of a component in the path, you can specify that GET return information about multiple resources without requiring you to name each resource instance or to execute multiple GET requests.

For example:

  • The following URI specifies all routes regardless of VRF:

  • The following URI specifies all ACL entries of type IPv4, regardless of the name of the ACL:

  • The following URI specifies the connection state of all BGP neighbors belonging to all BGP routers in the "red" VRF:
