ipv6 neighbor mac


ipv6 neighbor <IPV4_ADDR> mac <MAC_ADDR>

no ipv6 neighbor <IPV4_ADDR> mac <MAC_ADDR>


Specifies a permanent static neighbor entry in the ARP table (for IPv6 neighbors).

The no form of this command deletes a permanent static neighbor entry from the ARP table.

Command context




Specifies an IP address in IPv6 format (xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx), where x is a hexadecimal number from 0 to F. You can use two colons (::) to represent consecutive zeros (but only once), remove leading zeros, and collapse a hextet of four zeros to a single 0. For example, this address 2222:0000:3333:0000:0000:0000:4444:0055 becomes 2222:0:3333::4444:55. Range: 4096 through 131072. Default: 131072.

mac <MAC_ADDR>>

Specifies the MAC address of the neighbor (xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx), where x is a hexadecimal number from 0 to F. Range: 4096 through 131072. Default: 131072.




Creates a static ARP entry on interface 1/1/1.

switch(config)# interface 1/1/1
switch(config-if)# arp ipv6 neighbor 2001:0db8:85a3::8a2e:0370:7334 mac 00:50:56:96:df:c8